
Wednesday, October 02, 2019

FreshTomato Firmware for Belkin Share Max N300

FreshTomato is a new firmware project forked off from Tomato by Shibby. I have gotten this working on the Belkin N300 (F7D7301/F7D8301) routers.


The firmware downloads are here.

You can navigate to the release of your choice. Inside, you will want to go the K26 folder and look for the filenames beginning with freshtomato-K26USB_RT-MIPSR2-*. From the information I can gather from the web, the keyword RT is critical and the keyword MIPSR2 is critical for the F7D7301/F7D8301 series.

The next choice you will need to make is what features you want in the firmware build. See below for a reference guide. You will need to make sure that the file size of the firmware is under 8MB as this is what can be supported by the N300 router. Keep in mind that the files at the distribution link are zipped. You will need to unzip the files to see its actual size.

I was successful in flashing the file named freshtomato-K26USB_RT-MIPSR2-2019.3.330-beta-Big-VPN.trx onto the F7D8301.


Note this reference guide was taken from another Tomato firmware project. But you can use it as a reference when choosing features.

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