If you do not have root access, it is possible to install new fonts.
Move your fonts to ~/.fonts.
mkfontdir ~/.fonts
xset fp+ ~/.fonts
xset fp rehash
xset fp rehash
The new font should now be available. Check if the new font has been added by running xlsfonts.
Try out the new font
xterm -fn "new_font"
For TrueType fonts, the installation process is a little different.
mkdir ~/.fonts
Move your fonts to ~/.ttfonts
mv *.ttf ~/.fonts
Create the fonts.dir and fonts.scale files.
cd ~/.fonts
fc-cache -fv ~/.fonts
fc-cache -fv ~/.fonts
The new font should now be available. Check if the font has been added by running fc-list.
Try out the new font.
xterm -fn "xft:new_font"
This solved my problem exactly. Thank you :)